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Full Agenda of #CSFTirana2023 | “Unlocking Progress: The European Future of the Western Balkans”
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Catalyst Balkans and Open Society Foundations-Western Balkans present the third edition of the Mapping of Donors Active in the Western Balkans. Building on previous work published in 2016 and 2019, the research unlocks a wealth of information for all domestic and foreign stakeholders involved in funding civil society in six Western Balkans countries.
The main research objective was to map and analyze the current donor landscape to civil society in the Western Balkans, focusing on the work of bilateral, multi-lateral, private foundation, and corporate donors. This research examines both the regionalization of donor support by some donors and the trend towards greater use of regranting through domestic grantmaking organizations.
This report provides insights into how the Western Balkans’ donor landscape is evolving due to the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical dynamics. It reveals that while these global events have influenced donor priorities, donors express their intent to continue their activities in the region beyond 2023, with a growing inclination toward regional cooperation for enhanced synergy.
Some of the key questions answered by this research include:
In summary, the report emphasizes the shifting dynamics in donor activities in the Western Balkans. While donors plan to sustain or increase their involvement, there is a call for better coordination, digitalization, and addressing CSOs’ challenges to maximize donor impact and foster regional development.
The research was supported by Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans (OSF-WB), Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), and the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE).
Catalyst Balkans and Open Society Foundations-Western Balkans present the third edition of the Mapping of Donors Active in the Western Balkans. Building on previous work published in 2016 and 2019, the research unlocks a wealth...
Više >Returning to the joint platform for the first time since 2019, over 150 stakeholders discussed the priorities and approaches of the donor community in the Balkans. Belgrade, November 6. Open Society Foundations-Western Balkans and the Rockefeller...
Više >Pravo na vodu je neophodno za život u ljudskom dostojanstvu. Ono je preduslov uživanja drugih ljudskih prava. Nastavak zagađivanja, ispražnjivanje i nejednaka distribucija vode povećavaju postojeće siromaštvo. Države moraju da usvoje efikasne mjere da priznaju, bez...
Više >Dokument daje pregled mogućnosti i modela koji mogu poslužiti kao osnov za raspravu i odgovor na pitanje: Kako će se finansirati energetska tranzicija u BiH? Između ostalog, dokument sadrži i pregled trenutnog stanja i izvora finansirana...
Više >Returning to the joint platform for the first time since 2019, over 150 stakeholders discussed the priorities and approaches of the donor community in the Balkans. Belgrade, November 6. Open Society Foundations-Western Balkans and...
Više >Pravo na vodu je neophodno za život u ljudskom dostojanstvu. Ono je preduslov uživanja drugih ljudskih prava. Nastavak zagađivanja, ispražnjivanje i nejednaka distribucija vode povećavaju postojeće siromaštvo. Države moraju da usvoje efikasne mjere da...
Više >Dokument daje pregled mogućnosti i modela koji mogu poslužiti kao osnov za raspravu i odgovor na pitanje: Kako će se finansirati energetska tranzicija u BiH? Između ostalog, dokument sadrži i pregled trenutnog stanja i...
Više >Ovaj Website koristi kolačiće i prikuplja informacije o posjetiocima. Klikom na dugme OK potvrđujete da se slažete s Uslovima korištenja i Izjavom o privatnosti.